
website design (2023)

I set out to create a new website - and thereby a new online identity - for the Aarhus-based company, Velofit. Velofit initially began as a bike fit shop but now offers a myriad of services, including lactate testing, personal trainers, training programs, cycling apparel shop, organising and hosting of cycling events etc. The challenge thereby was to create a website that would embrace all of this without appearing confusing and chaotic.

Furthermore, Velofit brands themselves as a niche company within cycling focusing on quality and tailor-made experiences. This is also reflected in the interior of their store and in the products that they sell where aesthetics are front and center.

Thus, reflecting the quality and aesthetics of the company on their new website was of very high priority in order to create a common thread between their online- and physical identity.

Live site.


As the site uses a lot of images, using a color scheme with multiple colours beyond black and white would contribute to a messy looking layout. Therefor, the yellow color, #ffdd84, was chosen as the only recurring color throughout the site besides black and white.

The choice of the yellow color was not coincidental. Yellow within cycling is perhaps the color who has the strongest associations - of course with the leader’s jersey of the Tour de France. Thus, it connotes being in the lead and in the front. Something that also can be said about Velofit. Established in 2013 by Thomas Bundgaard, Velofit were front runners with the introduction of bike fits to the non-professional cyclist (it should be noted that Bundgaard also has fitted many pro cyclists as well) and Bundgaard is still considered as one of the best in Denmark at what he does.

However, the yellow color had to be subtle and discrete to avoid it being associated with sale badges and the Danish, discount supermarket chain Netto.
Thus, the yellow color was implemented as the link hover- and active color, dividers on the front page, buttons and the color of the footer.

Aesthetics and quality are central to the interior of Velofit’s physical store. The goal was to make this apparent online as well.

Photos by Torsten Christensen.

landing page and structure

The layout and structure of the landing page is based on conversations with Velofit’s staff. They mentioned that everybody who know Velofit know that they do bike fits - hence the title mere end bikefit, more than bike fit, greets the user when they visit the landing page. Thus, showcasing Velofit’s services beyond bike fits on the landing page was prioritised.

However, not all of Velofit’s services are shown on the landing page as it would be too comprehensive and perhaps overwhelming to the user. The challenge thereby was how to showcase them instead and also making them fit in the main menu.

The solution was to divide some of the services and subjects into subcategories below a main category. Thus, performance is the main category of lactate testing, personal trainer and 12 week training programs while ressources is the main category of podcast, blog and gravel routes - however, podcast also appears as its own subject in the menu as this is a high priority to Velofit.


the hitmen